A hoodie as eclectic as we are.


Modeling: Claire Schoon, Eva Rose-Brazfield, Liz Sgro

Additional Team Members: Malya Fass


Creative Director, Designer, Sourcer

"A hoodie as eclectic as we are".

That was the goal behind the "Various Authors" collection of merchandise: a set of clothing and merchandise items for members of the University of Oregon's Media + Social Action ARC-- a type of live-in class and community for freshmen. Initially released as a hoodie, and expanding later this year into other forms, the "Various Authors" hoodie and design was my first foray into both fashion design and design for a physical medium beyond posters in general.

The design was built on the voice established in the ARC's then-simultaneous, and the idea of the ARC as a set of utterly unique, incredibly multi-faceted creators and activists.

In the spirit of that idea, I worked with suppliers and printers to ensure that each member of the ARC could choose their own color for the hoodie- a heavyweight, sustainably sourced and ethically made garment, printed in America.

Sourcing and printing a hoodie on your first time doing it- let alone with a goal like that, in a world where most suppliers enforce a 12 or more units per color minimum, is extremely tough and was a great experience in understanding the world of logistics and manufacturing right as I was beginning my business studies at UO. In effect, it was a real-time crash course on what I was learning in class.

In the end, over the course of 4 complete redesigns and 18 revisions, 2 different printers, suppliers, 3 different potential garment, I was able to (independently!) secure over 50 custom printed hoodies, package them, and distribute them to ARC members and close friends & family in early 2022.

In 2023, I came back, now an alumni of M+SA, to design the "Growth" hoodies for the ARC.

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